Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Hi everyone! My full name is Ambria Rahma Widiastuti but you can only call me Ambria. I'm a sagitarius type of person and born on December 6th. I'm a 90's kid because i born in year 1999. I'm a student of 3 Senior High School in Bandung, one of the best school in the city. Since i was in the 6th grade of elementary school i really want to school in here. Alhamdulillah, finally i can be a part of 3's student by achievment in ice skating competition. I was graduated from Taruna Bakti Junior High School before i school here. It is very different enviroment between 3 and Taruna Bakti. I love to school in 3 and also in Taruna Bakti. 

I'm a social student. It's my choice to be a social student with hope, i will be the best in class. seems ambitious but it keeps me motivated.

In Junior High School, i was joined the cheerleading squad of Taruna Bakti (CHARTS). Im a really proud cheerleader because we had won most of all competitions. Our team color is Blue and Yellow, our pride. My position is a backbase who will catch the flyer from back.

I'm also a figure skater. I started to skate on ice when i was about 5 years old when the ice rink located in Istana Plaza (IP) but now, the ice rink moved to Paris Van Java or usually we call that PVJ. I started the ice skating lesson when i was in 5th grade. My first competition is Skate Jakarta in Mall Taman Anggrek. The first time i follow the competition is on April. The ice rink was really huge than in Bandung. I was competiting in Bandung, Jakarta, and Malaysia.

About my family, i have 2 siblings; 1 little sister and 1 little brother named Fauriza(sister) and Azka(brother). Both of them school in Taruna Bakti. My sister is a 7th grader (in Acceleration Class) and my brother is a 5th grader student. They also wanted to school in 3 like me. But my brother, Azka he wants to school in between 3 or Taruna Nusantara school. My mom named Devy is a housewife and my dad, Apri is an entrepreneurs.

So, I think that's all.

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